Sweet Pastries

"Siasse Krapflang" (Sweet Pastries)

Recipe for sweet Zillertaler "Krapfen"

For those of you who want to try this tasty treat for yourselves, here is the recipe for sweet Tyrolean "Krapfen".

Ingredients for the pastry:
  • 250g margarine

  • 1 kg flour

  • 2 eggs

  • approx. 300 ml warm milk

  • 1 pack of vanilla sugar

  • a pinch of salt

  • a little rum


Either cranberry or plum jam mixed with quark.

Recipe for sweet Zillertaler "Krapfen"
Sweet Pastries

Ensure the ingredients are at room temperature before mixing into a smooth pastry. Leave the pastry to rest for a short time, then stretch out small portions of the pastry into circular forms. Spoon a little filling onto the pastry circles and fold to create little parcels. Fry in hot fat (e.g. vegetable oil). Drain the oil and leave to cool. Dust with icing sugar before serving.  Enjoy your delicious, sweet Ziller Valley Krapfen!

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