Weather & Forecasts

Current weather forecast for the Mayrhofen-Hippach holiday region


Current weather conditions in the village of contrasts: Mayrhofen lies at 630 m above sea level and is a place like no other, where the original and contemporary, thrilling action and tranquility unite. The weather station at Penken is located at 1,790 m above sea level.


Mayrhofen Sunny 0 % Precipitation

-7° -6° / 6°
05:00 icon-weather-sunshine -5°
11:00 icon-weather-sunshine
17:00 icon-weather-sunshine
23:00 icon-weather-partlycloudy

Penken Sunny 0 % Precipitation

-4° -3° / 2°
05:00 icon-weather-sunshine -2°
11:00 icon-weather-sunshine
17:00 icon-weather-sunshine -1°
23:00 icon-weather-partlycloudy -3°

Hippach | Ramsau | Schwendau | Schwendberg

Current weather conditions on the sunny plateau: Hippach lies at 608 m above sea level, flanked by the villages of Ramsau (604 m above sea level) and Schwendau (620 m above sea level). Experience sport & fun for the whole family. The weather station at Hochschwendberg is located at 1,500 m above the sea level.


Hippach Sunny 0 % Precipitation

-7° -6° / 7°
05:00 icon-weather-sunshine -5°
11:00 icon-weather-sunshine
17:00 icon-weather-sunshine
23:00 icon-weather-partlycloudy

Hochschwendberg 1500 Sunny 0 % Precipitation

-4° -2° / 7°
05:00 icon-weather-sunshine -2°
11:00 icon-weather-sunshine
17:00 icon-weather-sunshine
23:00 icon-weather-partlycloudy

Brandberg | Ginzling

Current weather conditions in the sunny village Brandberg and in the mountaineering village Ginzling: Brandberg lies at 1,080 m above sea level amidst meadows and forests, with impressive views of Mount Brandberger Kolm. Ginzling lies at 999 m above sea level in the Zemmgrund Valley, amidst the magnificent scenery of the Zillertal Alps Nature Park and starting point for numerous high alpine tours.Current weather conditions in the sunny village: Brandberg lies at 1,080 m above sea level amidst meadows and forests, with impressive views of Mount Brandberger Kolm.


Brandberg Sunny 0 % Precipitation

-7° -5° / 5°
05:00 icon-weather-sunshine -4°
11:00 icon-weather-sunshine
17:00 icon-weather-sunshine
23:00 icon-weather-partlycloudy -1°

Ginzling Sunny 0 % Precipitation

-9° -7° / 4°
05:00 icon-weather-sunshine -6°
11:00 icon-weather-sunshine
17:00 icon-weather-partlycloudy
23:00 icon-weather-overcast -1°

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