Toboggan run Rastkogel on Mount Schwendberg

Tobogganing & Snow-Tubing fun

Tobogganing and mountain hut magic

Children love it, adults even more! Stroll through the snow-covered landscape to Tristenbachalm in Ginzling, to the Brindlingalm or Nasenalm at Schwendberg. Once there, you can recharge your batteries with a warming mug of “Jagatee” (hunter’s tea) and refreshing snack, before whizzing back down the toboggan run to the valley in no time at all!

The latest snow fun in Ginzling goes under the name of "snow-tubing". You can sample this entertaining sport in Zillertal on a specially prepared run.  And best of all – you can use the tubing track free of charge and as often as you like!

Experiences bookable online

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