Room key for your accommodation in Mayrhofen-Hippach

Travel Insurance

for your holiday

We look forward to welcoming you to the Mayrhofen-Hippach holiday region! ... But have you considered what would happen if something spoils your plans?

Our accommodation providers charge cancellation fees in accordance with their terms and conditions. And because something unforeseen can always happen, Hotelstorno Plus offers varied support measures for your holiday, in addition to regular cancellation insurance – for example, in the event of a trip being interrupted, if you have to extend your stay involuntarily, or mountain rescue services. 

It even gives you peace of mind during Corona times. As long as the situation remains stable, "Europäische Reiseversicherung" (European Travel Insurance) will pay the cancellation costs for a corona-related illness, which is unique amongst travel insurers! 

Secure your booking at a reasonable price and enjoy a relaxed holiday, safe in the knowledge that you are covered should something untoward happen. You can purchase the insurance quickly and easily online here.

Travel Insurance
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