Runners at the Easy Trail in Mayrhofen-Hippach

Easy Trail Mayrhofen-Hippach

Pleasure walking in Zillertal

All villages belonging to the holiday region can be explored along this valley walk: Schwendau, Hippach, Ramsau and Mayrhofen all merge into one. Far away from hectic everyday life, the trail is a source of spiritual energy and offers many opportunities for relaxation. The valley bed has many beautiful viewpoints. Individual ”treasures” make this trail an unforgettable experience.

Pleasure walking along the Easy Trail

Enjoy cascading waterfalls, visit one of the beautiful chapels or churches situated along the way and discover your very own place of positive energy and regeneration. With a total length of 24,5 km and a elevation difference of only 750 metres, the Easy Trail is the ideal introductory hike for those wanting to enjoy a gentle start to their active mountain holiday.


  • “Walkable” all year round

  • Perfect for easy, enjoyable (mountain) walks

  • Follows quality trails with no dangers involved

  • Easy to walk in any weather

  • Relatively few metres in altitude to surmount

  • Located in the valley at a relatively low altitude

  • Offers mountain adventures, however, with views overlooking the Zillertal Main Ridge

  • Is recreational and scenically attractive

  • Is well sign-posted and easy to navigate

  • Equipped with a number of interesting leisure areas

The Easy Trail can be accessed direct from Mayrhofen and all neighbouring villages. Info boards and signage show you where to go. The Easy Trail is also marked by signposts along its entire length, so you can easily find your way around.

Wayside treasures along the Easy Trail

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