Hotel Garni Glück Auf
Hotel Garni Glück Auf, renovated newly in 2022, is located on the edge of Mayrhofen. All important points of the place can be reached within a few walking minutes. Most of the restaurants, cafes and bars are not far from our house. Also the shopping mile is in immediate vicinity of our Hotel Garni Glück Auf. Many walks can be done directly from the hotel in summer without using public transport. The two cablecars of the Mayrhofner Bergbahnen calles Penken and Ahorn are comfortably attainable on foot and offers effortless mountain pleasure in summer and winter times. The imposing scenery of the Zillertaler Alps is ubiquitous. You can be impressed by only looking out of your window..
Accommodation information
Conditions and Information
Via the Inntalautobahn A12 motorway until the exit for Zillertal, from there take the B169 Zillertal Road for the next 30 km to Mayrhofen
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