Cherish & Cuisine in Mayrhofen-Hippach
Paradisical Pleasures
The region's best - The noble brandy at the end

Pleasure, Custom & Cuisine

The cosiness & hospitality of the Zillertal truly goes through the stomach. Winston Churchill once said: Nourish your body well, make it a home where your soul will swell."

Mechermuas - Zillertaler Schmankerl

Paradisical Pleasures

Zillertaler Krapfen, (traditional savoury crepes), Schliachta-Nudeln (ribbon pasta in cheese sauce) or traditional Melchermuas (dairymen's pancake) are certain to make your mouth water!

These delicacies are an integral part of Zillertal tradition and are served in summertime at the  Schmankerlfest (Food Festival) in Hippach and the Krapfen Festival in Schwendau.

Cuisine in Zillertal - Zillertaler Krapfen

The region's best

Great food is yet another pleasing aspect of typical Zillertal hospitality.

Regional Zillertal Cuisine has long been awarded with the well-deserved rating of "very recommendable" by food-loving connoisseurs.

Finest Schnapps in Mayrhofen

The crowning glory of any meal

The crowning glory of any meal is a shot of the finest schnapps. Only the best - mostly hand-picked - fruits are used for the distillate.

Tip: the Tyrolean Schnapps Route - is a journey of discovery through the diverse world of Tyrolean fruit schnapps.

Customs in Tyrol

Uphold of old tradions

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Culinary experiences